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Today's Bulletin - Thursday, May 16, 2024



Omar Abdullah embodies a legacy of grace and resilience: Javid Baigh

Omar Abdullah embodies a legacy of grace and resilience: Javid Baigh

In the sea of Politicians, a leader is defined by his will to stand for pragmatism and Grace

By Javid Hassan Baigh
Democracy, the intricate thread  between the will of the people and the aspirations of its leaders, stands as the quintessential test of judgment. It is not merely a system of governance; it is a profound reflection of a society's values, where the collective wisdom of its citizens converges to shape the course of its destiny.
In its essence, democracy transcends the shackles of caste, color, race, and religion, embracing instead the pure merit of its participants. History bears witness to this truth through luminaries like Barack Obama, whose meteoric rise to the presidency of the United States epitomized the triumph of merit over prejudice. From humble beginnings, Obama's journey embodies the transformative power of democracy, where talent and character overshadow divisive distinctions. Born to a culturally Muslim father from Kenya and a non-religious American mother, his life journey is a testament to perseverance, intelligence and the pursuit of excellence against all formidable odds.
Similarly, in the United Kingdom, Rishi Sunak's ascent to prominence symbolizes the inclusivity and openness inherent in democratic societies. Embraced by Britishness  regardless of his background, Sunak's success underscores the fundamental principle that merit knows no boundaries, and opportunity flourishes in the fertile soil of democracy.
Equally, Sadiq Khan's historic election as the Mayor of London resonates as a testament to the democratic spirit. His victory shattered barriers and defied stereotypes, reaffirming that in the realm of democracy, excellence and vision reign supreme. Coming from an immigrant bus driver’s family who came to London in 1960. Sadiq Khan became the first Muslim and Asian Mayor of London. Londoners accepted him long back in 2005 when he was elected as their MP based on his individual credentials, strong leadership qualities and exemplary service to the public.
So when Jnb Omar Abdullah Sb decided to contest Lok Sabha from Baramulla, the history gives us ample examples to showcase that in the grand tapestry of democracy, each election serves as a crucible, testing both the discernment of the electorate and the caliber of those who seek to lead. Omar Abdullah Sb throughout his career has embraced intellect, grace and resilience, earning the respect of allies and adversaries alike. He embodies a legacy of service and statesmanship. From the famous speech which rocked both the treasury and non treasury benches of the LokSabha to the steadfast dedication to peace, prosperity and progress Omar Abdullah Sb has always stood as a voice of reason, a champion of dialogue and symbol of enduring spirit of democracy. People should judge him and rather every candidate based on the intellect, leadership qualities and the will to serve the people.
In the sea of the politicians, a leader is defined by his will to stand for pragmatism, grace and his idea to serve his people.   At one hand we have people who indulge in cheap personal attacks and have nothing to show far for their own self. While at the other hand we have a beacon of hope who has always stood tall among all adversity and never indulged in personal attacks. So the real test is of the people in this beautiful tapestry of democracy.

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or beliefs of any organization or entity. All information provided is for general informational purposes only and should not be considered as professional advice.

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